Playwright, actor: Ana Mozol
Director: David MacMurray Smith 
Dramaturg: TJ Dawe

"Would you rather be lost or fallen?"

In this erotic fury-infused modern-day revisioning of the legend of Salomé, Ana Mozol powerfully stirs the depths of the female psyche, interweaving dreams with personal tales of love, loss, and truth in her award-winning show. The play unveils constrictive feminine masks and explores the lived experiences of women in contemporary Western society. Take part in a dream-like journey through the underworld’s demons, the middle world’s illusions of romantic love, and the upper world’s masculine spiritual ideals that fracture the feminine soul.

Hi Everyone,

I am back from touring the show this summer. It was an incredible journey with countless synchronicities and unforgettable moments. I am still in the process of integration. I do plan to write more details when I emerge from this time of reflection. For now, I will say that it was “all things” and deeply transformative. My sincere gratitude for all the support I received in this venture. 

Beautifully dreamlike. A deeply resonating work.  The most personal story to hit the Fringe I have seen. I highly recommend it.  —Steel City Girl

Her storytelling places a trust in her audience that develops a relationship of its own.  —Beyond James